MiniRoos Football
MiniRoos is the NSFA program for juniors in the U6-U11 playing groups. The focus is on building skills, developing relationships and having fun! Mixed boys and girls and girls only programs are offered.
Greenwich Sports Club forms a range of MiniRoos teams each year depending on players’ registration preferences. For the most part, teams are coached, managed and refereed by parents - making junior Club participation a family affair!
How old does my child have to be?
Greenwich Sports Club encourages the development of football skills at a young age and we accept players who have turned 4 years prior to 1 January of the relevant season to play in the U6 games. To play in an Under 6 team, a child must not turn older than 6 in the calendar year of the relevant season. Similarly, to play in an Under 9 team, a child must not turn older than 9 in the calendar year of the relevant season, and so on.
For current Birth Date Requirements click here.
What is the format of the games?
The MiniRoos program utilises the Small Sided Football (SSF) format. These are games with smaller numbers of children playing on smaller sized fields which results in players being more involved because fewer players are sharing one ball in a smaller area. Small sided games on small fields are, without question, the best way for children to learn, play the game and have the most fun.
A summary of the MiniRoos playing rules and formats can be found by clicking here.
When are the games played?
Mixed MiniRoos games are on Saturday mornings. Girls’ MiniRoos games are on Sunday mornings.
Generally, the younger teams (under 6) are in the early morning (starting from 8:30 to 10.00am), and older age groups can be as late as lunchtime, depending on the draw. The draw is posted on the NSFA website. The team manager is responsible for notifying all team members of the draw, ground and game time each week.
Where are the games played?
Greenwich Sports Club’s home ground is Bob Campbell Oval at Gore Creek. However, junior home games are usually at Blackman Park in Lane Cove, Greenwich Public School in Greenwich, Burns Bay Oval in Riverview or at other local venues which are configured for the age group. Away games can be at other grounds on the North Shore from North Sydney to Lindfield to Berowra.
The NSFA website has a grounds locator and your team manager will typically provide grounds details as well.
What gear is required?
The Club provides jerseys which are returned at the end of the season. The first year a Football player registers they will receive a pair of Greenwich Sports Club uniform socks. Players provide their own boots, shin-pads and black shorts. For purchasing information, click here.
How are the teams determined?
Greenwich Sports Club regards the grading process as being an important part of the season’s preparation. We have found that players who are not graded properly do not have as much fun playing as they otherwise could. Our emphasis in the junior age groups is very much on fun, but we also like to make sure the players are given every chance to improve their football skills and to try to make sure they come back to football year after year.
Under 6 and under 7 teams will not be graded, they will be social teams with the opportunity to nominate to play with friends (subject to player numbers).
Teams in the U8 to U11 age groups will be fully graded, subject to there being sufficient player numbers to form more than one team. The Club maintains a formal policy on player selection to age groups and team selection and grading. To view this policy, click here.
Who coaches the teams?
Coaching is very rewarding and great fun. Generally a parent or friend coaches the team. The Club encourages all coaches to attend the free training courses run by the Club. The Club will financially support coaches who attend coaching courses run by Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSNA) or other approved courses. The Club supplies coaches with kit bags containing training bibs, cones and other material. Importantly the principal aim of MiniRoos is for the players to have fun (skill development occurs in a later phase)!
How are the teams managed?
The team manager is responsible for organising the team and ensuring all players are aware of training and game times. The team manager also assists in the Club’s communications to players and parents. Team managers are also encouraged to arrange team social events during the season. Teams typically select a parent to manage once the team has been formed.
There will be a manager’s meeting before the start of the season where all necessary information from the Club will be provided.
Is there training?
Training is organised within each team individually and usually depends on the availability of the coach. Teams usually train once per week for an hour during the season. Training is either at Bob Campbell Oval or Greenwich Public School Oval. Grounds and training times are requested by teams and allocated by the Club at the start of the season.
What happens if it rains?
After wet weather, grounds can be closed at short notice and sometimes for several days as determined by council rangers. Ground closures are notified by the NSFA on their website. They do their best to update their website by around 3:15pm on weekdays and 7:45am on match days. Please be aware that some grounds may be closed at short notice after these times if conditions change. Councils also have wet weather hotlines and website information.
Can I help?
Yes, the Club relies on volunteers. At the team level, we encourage you to note on your registration if you are interesting in being a Coach, Manager or Referee. For Club level volunteer opportunities, please click here.
How much does it cost?
For current membership fee and payment policies please click here.
What are Age Group Co-ordinators?
Age Group Co-ordinators have been nominated for different age groups to assist with registration, field general enquiries and handle issues that are outside of the coach/manager’s areas of responsibility.
To find your child’s Age Group Coordinator, please click here.
Online registration begins in mid January/early February each year — details are available by clicking here. Teams are determined in February/March. Training starts in mid-March. The season proper usually starts in late March or early April. The season concludes with the Association gala day at the end of August and the Club holds a picnic day in September.
For more information about the NSFA MiniRoos program, including regulations and manuals, please click here.