
Welcome to football with Greenwich Sports Club! This community sports club in Sydney's Lower North Shore offers teams in Mixed Football, Womens Football, Kids MiniRoos and Junior Football (Mixed and Girls). The Club has more than 400 football members and is affiliated with the Northern Suburbs Football Association (NSFA).

Register Now

Online registration begins in mid January/early February each year—details are available by clicking here. We welcome back our returning players and look forward to enrolling new members in all age groups.

Registration is age based. As you go through registering, the computer system will automatically select the age appropriate group and allow only that selection. For example, if a player is turning age 11 within the season calendar year, then only the U11 and/or the G11 groups will be visible.

Team formation is a different process. Team formation is based on the number of registrations received for age group(s) and other factors, such as grading

Click on the relevant link below to find out more information about our football programs:

Player Group Co-ordinators have been nominated for different age groups. Click here to contact your Player Group Co-ordinators in the first instance for all enquiries.

Click here to review GSC’s Fees Policy.

GSC prides itself on ensuring that is members have a fun and safe sporting experience. Its Member Protection policy sets forth the Club’s core values, code of conduct, responsibilities, complaints procedure and disciplinary actions. Please direct any enquiries regarding this policy to the Member Protection Officer.

For NSFA policy information, including Association Regulations, Code of Conduct, Complaints and Appeals click here.

In 2013, the Club sought feedback on its football program. View the results here.